Adolf Hitler and high ranking German officials photographed in front of the Compiegne Wagon on …
July 8, 2024
Adolf Hitler and the Compiegne Wagon, 1940
Adolf Hitler and high ranking German officials photographed in front of the Compiegne Wagon on June …
July 1, 2024
RAF Lancaster bomber during Operation Gomorrah
A British RAF Lancaster bomber over the German city of Hamburg in the Summer of 1943, during Operati…
April 6, 2024
Lt. Robert L. Hite carried by Japanese captors
U.S. Army Air Force Lieutenant Robert L. Hite is carried from a Japanese transport plane after he wa…
February 9, 2024
Italian Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero in flight
The Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 “Sparviero” (Sparrowhawk) was an Italian medium-bomber with t…
December 12, 2023
Stuka squadron flying over Poland
Ju-87 “Stuka” squadron flying a mission over Poland sometime in September 1939 during th…
Lt. Robert L. Hite carried by Japanese captors
U.S. Army Air Force Lieutenant Robert L. Hite is carried from a Japanese transport plane …
US and Soviet troops meet for the first time, 1945
Douglas SBD Dauntless bomber on the Pacific seabed
Then and Now: US tanks in Schevenhutte, 1945
US Marine crying during the Battle of Peleliu
RAF Lancaster bomber during Operation Gomorrah
A British RAF Lancaster bomber over the German city of Hamburg in the Summer of …
Aircraft spotter in London, 1940
Albert Einstein at the Royal Albert Hall in London, 1933
Boy reading in bombed London library, 1940
Panzer E-100 prototype captured by British forces
US and Soviet troops meet for the first time, 1945
US and Soviet troops meet for the first time during World War II at the …
Germans set up pontoon bridge near Kiev, 1941
The last Jew in Vinnitsa, 1941-1943
Soviet operated Matilda II tanks on the Western Front, 1942
Katyusha rockets firing on first day of Operation Barbarossa
Lt. Robert L. Hite carried by Japanese captors
U.S. Army Air Force Lieutenant Robert L. Hite is carried from a Japanese transport plane …
US Marine and a Japanese boy, 1944, Battle of Tinian
Sikh POWs used as target practice by Japanese soldiers, 1942
Japanese Kawanishi Flying Boat shot down by US bomber, 1944
World War Two Kaiten torpedoes on top of a Japanese submarine
Italian Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero in flight
The Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 “Sparviero” (Sparrowhawk) was an Italian medium-bomber with three engines, developed in 1934 …
Italian troops pictured in Addis Ababa, 1936
How Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” painting survived the Milan bombings during WWII
Ponte Santa Trinita temporary restoration, 1944
Panzer IV tank in front of the Milan Cathedral, 1943
Battle of Castle Itter, 1945, one of the strangest WW2 battles
The Battle of Castle Itter is one of those “hidden gem” stories from World War …
US troops enter the razed French town of Saint-Lo, July 1944
Marina Ginesta, communist reporter, overseeing Barcelona in 1936
Love during World War Two #2
German policemen smoking with a French prisoner, 1940