Key figures

Adolf Hitler and the Compiegne Wagon, 1940

adolf hitler compiegne wagon 1940

Adolf Hitler and high ranking German officials photographed in front of the Compiegne Wagon on June 21st, 1940. In the picture we can see Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler, Erich Raeder (mostly obscured) and Walther von Brauchitsch. The famous carriage hosted Germany’s virtual surrender …

Erich von Manstein on the Eastern Front, 1943

erich von manstein

Erich von Manstein photographed while smoking a cigar alongside a few Turkish Generals on the Eastern Front, sometime during June 1943. Although Turkey remained neutral until February 1945 (when it joined the allied cause), turkish generals traveled to the front in order to observe German military technology. Before joining the …

Hermann Goering’s wines at the Cricova cellars

hermann goering wines

Located no more than 15 kilometers from Chisinau, the Cricova winery is a must see attraction for anybody visiting the country of Moldova. As you descend into the catacombs which are housing 120 kms of chilly labyrinthine roadways, you will come to discover a magnificent underground “wine city”, with one …

Albert Einstein at the Royal Albert Hall in London, 1933

albert einstein

Albert Einstein delivering a speech at the Royal Albert Hall in London, during a gathering to aid the Jewish refugee fund. October, 1933. In March 1933, while returning to Europe after a visit to the United States, and learning about the passing of the Enabling Act in Germany (which gave …

Guests at the Berghof in rare WW2 image, 1942

berghof hitler guests

This rare World War 2 image shows guests of Adolf Hitler on the Berghof terrace sometime in 1942. The Berghof was Hitler’s vacation residence in the Bavarian Alps at Obersalzberg, near Berchtesgaden. He would often entertain visitors there, whether it was for official business or simply leisure. The picture was …

Lance corporal Adolf Hitler after World War I

adolf hitler ww1

Adolf Hitler in uniform after World War I, likely in 1921, when he was 32 years old. This image was used on his government issued card which allowed him to carry weapons. Hitler was a decorated lance corporal in the First World War. He learned about Germany’s defeat while hospitalized …

Neville Chamberlain’s War Cabinet in 1939, including Winston Churchill

neville chamberlain war cabinet

The War Cabinet of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in September 1939. Winston Churchill, appointed as First Lord of the Admiralty, can be seen second from right among the ones standing. Chamberlain’s War Cabinet was formed on September 3rd 1939, following the formal declaration of War against Germany. It lasted …

Vyacheslav Molotov and Joachim von Ribbentrop in Moscow

ribbentrop molotov pact

Vyacheslav Molotov (left) shaking hands with Joachim von Ribbentrop after the two foreign ministers signed the famous Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in Moscow on August 23rd, 1939. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was a non-aggression agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union, which also defined the spheres of influence in Europe between the two …

Leni Riefenstahl receiving flowers from Adolf Hitler, 1935

adolf hitler leni riefenstahl

Adolf Hitler offering flowers to Leni Riefenstahl at the premiere of the famous propaganda film “Triumph of the Will” (Triumph des Willens). March 28th, 1935, at the Ufa Palace Theater, Berlin. The film was a massive success and is still considered arguably the best propaganda movie ever made, a technological …

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels at the UFA film studios, 1935

adolf hitler joseph goebbels

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels being shown a production while taking a tour of the UFA film studios in Babelsberg, January 1935. Production manager Gunter Stapenhorst is on the left. He emigrated to the UK in 1935, before returning to Germany (via Switzerland) in 1941 and trying a comeback at …