Great Britain

Neville Chamberlain’s War Cabinet in 1939, including Winston Churchill

neville chamberlain war cabinet

The War Cabinet of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in September 1939. Winston Churchill, appointed as First Lord of the Admiralty, can be seen second from right among the ones standing. Chamberlain’s War Cabinet was formed on September 3rd 1939, following the formal declaration of War against Germany. It lasted …

People in Manchester celebrate VE Day, 8 May 1945

ve day manchester 1945

Citizens of Manchester celebrate VE Day (Victory in Europe Day) in the streets of Newton Heath District on May 8th, 1945. VE Day marked the end of World War 2 in Europe due to Germany’s unconditional surrender on May 8th, 1945. The act of capitulation was initially signed on May …

RAF Spitfire hitting a Heinkel He-111 in Battle of Britain dogfight

spitfire heinkel dogfight

The image, captured by a camera gun film, shows tracer ammunition from a Supermarine Spitfire Royal Air Force aircraft hitting a Heinkel He-111 of the German Luftwaffe. The Supermarine Spitfire Mark I which scored the hit served in the 609 Squadron of the Royal Air Force, and was flown by …

V1 flying bomb dropping on London, 1944

v1 flying bomb london

V1 flying bomb seen dropping on central London, with the Royal Courts of Justice in the foreground, sometime in the second part of 1944. This particular German bomb is said to have caused significant damage, including the blasting of the Daily Herald office. The V1 was a cruise missile deployed …

Crater on the Old Trafford ground during the German Blitz campaign, 1940

A groundsman inspects a crater in the middle of the pitch after a German bombing raid on December 22nd, 1941. The damage forced Manchester United to have one home game moved. The German Blitz bombing campaign of Great Britain took place between September 1940 and May 1941. Old Trafford was …

British Matilda I tank with driver, France, 1940

matilda I tank

Matilda I Tank of the 4th Royal Tank Regiment (Scottish) and its driver photographed in France, January 12th 1945. As we can see in the image, the tank is nicknamed DEOCH (meaning “drink”). The 4th Royal Tank Regiment was active between 1917 and 1993. It was captured at Tobruk, Libya, …

British sentry guarding injured German officer, Egypt, 1942

british sentry german officer ww2

A British sentry guarding an injured German officer, while waiting for backup, during the first two days of a British offensive in the Egyptian desert. North African campaign, November 13th, 1942. Book suggestion ⤵️ 📖 Desert War: The North African Campaign 1940-43 (Alan Moorehead, 1965)

London sky during the Battle of Britain, Big Ben watching, 1940

battle of britain big ben sky london

Sky in London during the battle of Britain (summer 1940), with Big Ben in the foreground. The Battle of Britain was a huge assault by the Luftwaffe in an attempt to subdue the British, so that Germany could force them into peace and focus on the Eastern front. It was …

British propaganda image showing children in an improvised bomb shelter

british children bomb shelter ww2

British propaganda image during the Battle of Britain, 1940, showing children and an older girl (maybe their teacher) protecting themselves from German air raids in a dug out trench, acting as an improvised bomb shelter. Book suggestion ⤵️ 📖 The Blitz: The British Under Attack (Juliet Gardiner, 2010)

Love during World War Two #1

kissing world war two

1) Sweethearts kissing over the railing, as British soldier returns home during leave. London, 1940. 2) American soldier with his English girlfriend hugging on the Hyde Park lawn in 1945. 3) British soldier welcomed home by his wife after the end of WW2 in Europe, 1945. 4) A young Canadian …